Personal Training

We offer 1:1 personal training or you can share it with a friend with 2:1. We are real people for normal people. We aren't going to shout and scream at you military style but we will encourage, motivate and of course challenge you to achieve your best! We work with you to make sure your goals are reached.

  • The process begins with an initial consultation, which is free, where we complete an assessment to understand your training goals and needs.  Here we will discuss options on when is best for you to train and frequency.
  • If you decide to go ahead, we will design you a unique and bespoke training plan which will help you reach your goals.  We will work with you to make sure you are happy with your training plan and will review the plan regularly to make sure you are maximising your training potential. 
  • Sessions are booked in blocks of 5 or 10.
  • These are 45 minutes per session
  • Days and times would be agreed at time of assessment.
  • 45 min sessions:

1:1 - Individual*

Block of 5 - from £140 to £150

Block of 10 - from £270 to £300 most popular

2:1 - Two people*

Block of 5 - from £200

Block of 10 - from £400 most popular

*Prices are subject to peak / off peak times plus ability and training programme required. They may be subject travel costs depending the location of the sessions.

If you would like to book a free consultation and to discuss options, please get in touch.

Success Stories

Don't just take our word for it, here's some of our success stories....


Jodie started training with me in March 2023. She had already done phenomenally well, losing a massive 5.5 stone since 2016 through diet and some exercise on her own but had plateaued. She wanted to tone up and lose another 2 stone so we started on her fitness journey with me.

I worked with Jodie to understand exactly the areas she wanted to focus on (tummy, arms and legs mainly). We started slow doing one session per week to build up her strength and confidence. Cardio was kept to a minimum as Jodie was continuing to run on her treadmill at home most days. Weight training was key in helping her achieve that toning up goal. They were lower at first building up the reps progressing to heavier as she got stronger.

Nutrition wise we would regularly discuss what she was eating and I gave her tips and advice on simple changes she could make.

After a few weeks she started noticing the difference and after a few months she was smashing all the workouts. Her confidence had grown and she started attending my group classes each week alongside the PT session. By last Christmas she had lost just over a stone and was feeling fantastic.

In January 2024 we set a new year goal to lose the next stone by her holiday to Marbella in June. The first time she was taking her 8 year old son abroad so was going to be a very special trip. Challenge accepted! She upped her pt sessions to two per week, continued attending 2-3 group classes a week plus her daily treadmill run and walking a few miles before the school run each afternoon.

I'm absolutely delighted to say that she smashed her goal by June and has now lost a staggering 9 stone in total! She is in the best shape of her life, looking toned, fit and healthy. There has been no faddy diets and restriction with food just trying to stay in a calorie deficit the majority of the time. Yes there's been some 'cheat days' here and there but she has got straight back to it afterwards. Consistency is KEY and this lady is living proof of that. She shows up to every session ready to give it her all and the benefits and rewards now speak for themselves.

Well done Jodie, I couldn't be prouder or happier for you and I'm looking forward to continuing your fitness journey :-)


Tracey's goal was to feel better about herself, tone up and improve her overall fitness. In just two months, she's smashed it! Has lost an incredible 10 inches collectively from her body including waist, chest, thighs and arms. She's achieved this with two PT sessions per week along with daily dog walking and eating a sensible diet. She looks great and I'm excited for her to see where the next two months will go.


Sunni came to me 12 months ago, her goal to lose the baby weight gained after her second child and to feel confident and good about herself again. She also wanted to improve her strength and mobility as she suffered with mild back pain and issues with her pelvis as a result of child birth.

We started off slow and steady. Light weights, some cardio along with body weight and abdominal exercises. She struggled to do a sit up, hold the plank and burpees, forget it!

Training once a week with me plus a workout on her own. She quickly improved her cardio fitness and built up her strength over the months. Consistency, hard work and commitment was key to her success.

Now 12 months later she’s smashing out those sit ups, can plank for a minute and we even completed a burpee challenge a few months ago….something she never believed was possible a year ago .

Alongside the exercise, Sunni also made changes to her diet and eating patterns. She started making smarter, better choices. Not denying herself anything and some treats but being mindful of what was going in, aiming to stay in a calorie deficit.

As a result and combination of both, she nearly 3 stone down. Has lost a staggering 8.5 inches from her waist, 7 inches from her chest/back and 3.5 inches from her thighs

I’m absolutely buzzing for her and couldn’t be happier or prouder for all she has achieved


Ebonie's goal was simple, she was getting married and wanted to feel her absolute best for her big day!

Having had her baby she wanted to shift the excess pounds but also tone up and feel generally fitter. We started training once a week, her wedding was six months away so we had plenty of time to achieve her goals. She even told me she had ordered her wedding dress in two dress sizes smaller so she couldn't fail!

We did a mix of cardio, fat burning, strength and weight exercises along with some ab and core strength. Ebonie also attended my buggy bootcamp class each week and she worked hard. Giving 100% effort at every session and I think the results speak for themselves. By her wedding day she had lost an incredible stone in weight and inches from her overall body composition and I'm sure you'll agree she looked absolutely stunning.

Ebonie still trains with me now as she wants to maintain her shape and strength.


Russell started training with me in January 2022. His goal was to get fitter. feel healthier and lose some weight. Alongside the training, Russell has been doing a calorie controlled sensible diet. Something he can maintain long term. There's no rock science behind it, purely calorie deficit, smaller portions and making sensible lean choices, cutting down on the fatty foods. That with a combination of the PT session each week, we have focused on fat burning, cardio and strength exercises have lead to his amazing achievements.

In just three months, Russell's has lost 2 inches from his waist, 0.5 inch from his chest, 1 inch from his thigh and 1 inch from bicep and 0.5 stone in weight. The pictures speak from themselves.